That’s right, I was so much in love with Mahindra Thar that I went ahead and bought a 5-door Suzuki Jimny. I...
Instead of designing ass-faced cars, why not design asses for faces? I know, I know, I should refrain from personal attacks, but...
Thar or Jimny? A question that is now just as important as the Chicken or the Egg? Yup, that’s the question many are asking...
This is the story of my E90 BMW 325i That’s right, you read that m’fkin’ title right. It’s gonna be a long...
Not that I’m booking a ticket anytime soon. But since I’m also a (space) science connoisseur, I enjoy talking about such things....
Nope, this ain’t a sponsored post. The other day I was just thinking about those super-lightweight, open two-seat roadtsters; you know, the...
As a Space Science connoisseur, I thought I must congratulate NASA, JPL, Caltech and everyone involved in Perseverance’s successful landing on Mars, and...
You probably know where this is going. Anyway, just like a lot of you out there, I thought the most insecure nation/regime in...
Nope, this is in no way sponsored/paid post by Sony or any of its affiliates. As some of you might know, my...